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> Nice
> Привод для откатных ворот Nice RUN 1800

Nice RUN 1800

Привод для откатных ворот
Производитель: Nice
КОД: RUN1800

Техническая спецификация

Embedded control board Nice RUA1
Maximal weight of gate leaf1800 kg
Power supply - engine230V
Synchronous operating with second motor
Класс защитыIP44
Рабочая температура-20°C ÷ +60°C
Размеры400 × 390 × 255 мм

Technical details of control board

Integrated radio receiver
Input for radio receiver- Nice radio receivers with SM connector (OXI, SMXI, SMXIS, OXIT)
- Universal third-party radio receivers
Radio AERIAL Input 52Ω for RG58 or similar type of cable
Programmable functions- Automatic closing
- Closing after photocells
- Always close
- Deceleration
- Peak force / Gradual acceleration
- Pre-flashing - warning before closing
- SLAVE mode
Self-Recognition functionsSelf-recognition of the type of ‘STOP’ device (Normally Open, Normally Closed contact or 8.2KΩ). Self-recognition of the gate length and calculation of the deceleration points and the partial opening point.
Flashing light output For 2 BLUEBUS flashing lights:
- Nice ELB
- Nice LUCYB
- Nice WLT
- Nice MLBT
OPEN inputFor normally open contacts (the closing of the contact causes the ‘OPEN’ command)
CLOSE inputFor normally open contacts (the closing of the contact causes the ‘CLOSE’ command)
Open Gate Indicator Output For one lamp 24V maximum 4W (the output voltage may vary between –30 and +50% and can also control small relays.
BLUEBUS OutputOne output, maximum 15 BLUEBUS units
STOP inputFor normally open contacts, for 8.2KΩ; constant resistance, or normally closed contacts; with self-recognition (any variation from the memorized status causes the ‘STOP’ command)
Step-by-step InputFor normally open contacts (the closing of the contact causes the STEP-BY-STEP command)
Emergency power supply
Solar power supply
854,85 $
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